
Target connection commands.


Handle the target connection.

Type “help target” followed by target subcommand name for full documentation. Command name abbreviations are allowed if unambiguous.

target connect – Connect to a target machine

Connect to a target machine.

target connect URL [-logprefix PREFIX] [-logverbosity LEVEL] [-logdir LOGDIR] [-file WINDISSFILE] [-kernel KERNEL|-config XML|-core COREFILE [-rtp RTP|-kernel KERNEL]] [-timeout TIMEOUT] [-noos] [-allowdetach]

The URL and the options depend on the target platform,

  • URL – In the case of a network connection to the agent, the platform url is of the following form: <platform>[:[<proxy>[/<proxy>[/…]]/]<target>], where <proxy> and <target> are of the form [transport:]<ip>:<port>. Transport is TCP or UDP. You can have as many proxies as needed separated by /.

    – In the case of a serial device connection to the agent, the platform

    url is of the following form: <platform>:<target>, where <target> is of the form <serial>:<serialdevice>:<baudrate>. For example, for a Linux machine using ttyS0 with a 115200 baud rate, specify the target as serial:/dev/ttyS0:115200; for a Windows machine using COM1 with a 115200 baud rate, specify the target as serial:COM1:115200.

    Valid platforms are:

    • vxworks7 – VxWorks 7 agent. LOGDIR and KERNEL are mandatory.
    • vxworks7-stopmode – VxWorks 7 stop mode. LOGDIR and KERNEL are mandatory. Only a UDP network connection to the VxWorks stop mode agent is supported. Only one proxy is supported.
    • vxworks7-asp – VxWorks 7 Advanced Simulation Platform. LOGDIR is mandatory.
    • vxworks7-coredump – VxWorks 7 core dump. LOGDIR and COREFILE are mandatory. This URL does not need a target, and can be used like: target connect vxworks7-coredump -core <corefile> -logdir <dir>
    • windiss – WindISS connection. The LOGDIR parameter is mandatory. If URL is only made of the <platform>, the windiss server is started automatically, and the WINDISSFILE parameter is mandatory.
    • tcf (internal use)
    • helix – XML and LOGDIR are mandatory.
  • COREFILE – together with the -core flag, defines the path to the corefile file used as a target. Path-mapping may be needed to have the correct behavior of the target once connected.

  • LEVEL – together with the -logverbosity flag , defines the log verbosity. The maximum value of LEVEL depends on the URL platform.

  • LOGDIR – together with the -logdir flag, defines the directory where the log files are saved.

  • KERNEL – together with the -kernel flag, defines the path to the kernel file used by the connected target. It might be used to automatically determine the correct pathmapping. This file may be used for vxworks7-coredump connection to a kernel coredump.

  • PREFIX – together with the -logprefix option flag, defines the prefix all generated log files are prepended with.

  • RTP – For vxworks7-coredump platform, specifies the path of the RTP which generated the COREFILE. This is not mandatory if RTP image can be retrieved through path-mapping.

  • TIMEOUT – the timeout value (in seconds) for the target connection. It is also used as the ping timeout to consider the target is lost. The default value is 3).

  • WINDISSFILE – together with the -file flag, defines the path to the WindISS image file used as a target. Path-mapping may be needed to have the correct behavior of the target once connected.

  • XML – together with the -config flag, defines the path to the Helix XML config file. Additional -noos flag can be used for disabling the Helix OS awareness. Additional -allowdetach flag can be used for allowing detach.

target disconnect – Disconnect from current target machine

Disconnect from current target machine.

target disconnect [-s]

The option -s is used to disconnect from the target without disconnect report (silent).